In most cases, people ignore the rule, the symptoms of mesothelioma due to their generic nature. This is because the first symptoms of mesothelioma can also be an indication of other common illnesses. In addition, research has shown that a patient may develop with prior exposure to asbestos, mesothelioma face that is much later in his life, after 20 to 40 years of asbestos. Thus, many patients ignore the possibility of developing mesotheliomaby something that happened much earlier in their lives.
Mesothelioma is a cancer affecting obtained in which the protective linings of the internal organs of the body of malignant cells. These surfaces are:
oPleura: the outer lining around the lungs and chest cavity;
oPeritoneum: the lining of the abdominal cavity and
oPericardium: a sac holding the heart.
The symptoms of mesothelioma affecting these organs can vary depending on the particular nature andFunctions of the organs. Some of these symptoms are severe, but also some of the symptoms are rare. It is therefore recommended to contact a doctor if there are symptoms.
Additionally, if mesothelioma is detected early, the chances are high for a possible cure.
Following are the symptoms of mesothelioma, categorized by types:
Mesothelioma Symptoms:
oShortness breath
oCoughing until blood
oPain inChest
oPleural (effusion fluid accumulation in the lung lining)
oBack pain
oProblem swallowing
Olof s appetite
oWeight loss
oExcessive cough
In severe cases, a pleural mesothelioma patients develop pneumothorax or lung cancer (lung failure). However, some patients may show almost no symptoms.
Peritoneal MesotheliomaSymptoms:
oSwelling or mass accumulation in the abdominal
oWeight loss
oAbdominal pain
oBowel obstruction
oBlood clot
Pericardial Mesothelioma Symptoms:
oChest pain
oShortness breath
oUnusual Heart
oIrregular breathing pattern
These symptoms of mesothelioma can also indications of other minor illnesses. However, if the diagnosissoon, these symptoms can help doctors to cure the cancer at a primitive stage. Note that you can get a doctor to confirm the presence of mesothelioma by examining medical reports, asbestos exposure history, MRI and / or CT. In some cases, a puncture can be performed.
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