Lungs are part of the body, responsible for breathing. Lung cancer is caused by abnormal cells that grow into a malignant tumor causes. The factors that cause lung cancer, many are.
Personal and family history of a person's lead to two aspects of lung cancer. Smoking is one of the main reasons for the growth of cancer cells. Smoking history of the chain can increase the chances of contracting this dreaded disease. It is also possible, in danger, even if no smokers. Passive Smokingalso susceptible to this disease.
People aged over 40 are likely to be affected by cancer. While it is not the norm and there are enough young people who have been affected by this disease. People who are exposed to the pollution of the air must be extra careful and watch for Tell Tale Signs of lung cancer.
Family history of lung cancer increases the risk of the disease. It is therefore important to keep track of the symptoms and causes of the disease to date.Sometimes the symptoms can be as simple as a cough or fatigue. Sometimes it can be more complicated than a swelling in the throat or difficulty breathing or swallowing. It is important to keep tab on the personal medical history in the early detection of the disease to help.
Lung cancer is a disease difficult to recognize. It is usually in the later stages that the doctors actually recognize the seriousness of the disease. Treatment of lung cancer is a tedious process. Advanced stages of lung cancerCancer may require a combination of treatments to cure it. The chance of healing will be reduced overall if the disease spreads to other parts of the body.
Because of its hereditary factors, children or relatives with lung cancer should be particularly careful, they regularly checked and ruled out possibility of the disease. Regular exercise and a diet low in fat with high fiber content can reduce chances of the disease. It would be useful to stop smoking and tomoderate consumption of alcohol.
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