Pleural Mesothelioma represents for about 75% of all cases and mesothelioma. The main reason for this type of cancer is the inhalation of asbestos fibers in the lung, the linings of the pleura is embedded as an unknown. These embedded fibers is inflammation, which will eventually lead to cancer, cause tumors, if not dealt with at the beginning of the stage.
Even if the Cancel tumors are not detected early, it can from the lung pleura to other vital organs, theare the heart and stomach. Mesothelioma can also invade the lymph nodes and effects on the body's blood system.
The main cause for this type of cancer is exposure to asbestos. If a person is exposed to asbestos for a few months, can the deadly asbestos and fine particles lead to mesothelioma 30 to 50 years later. The older generation, especially men in their sixties and seventies, are most at risk, because it was the generation thatworked with the deadly material with minimal protection. Because it takes so long for this type of cancer to the surface, these men are only now discovering that they have this deadly cancer. Many are now brought against the company, responsible for exposing them to asbestos.
Symptoms that are associated with pleural mesothelioma, pain in the chest. But the pain is not directly from the lung, pleura, however, are often seen in the shoulder or upper abdomen.Persistent coughing, shortness of breath, facial swelling, weight loss, fever and coughing up blood, the other symptoms of this type of cancer. The tumor of this type of cancer grows rapidly and increases the pleural space, so that this space will be filled with liquid. This is the liquid that the discomfort or pain with the early symptoms of this cancer. Many of these symptoms are similar to illnesses that are more often than this type of cancer and therefore it is verydifficult to diagnose until it's too late.
It is not appropriate cure for pleural mesothelioma and treatment options are limited. Active research is being conducted around the globe and many pharmaceutical companies are testing new drugs to fight this cancer. Currently available treatments for this cancer include chemotherapy, radiotherapy and surgery.
According to a study in 167 patients with proven pleural mesothelioma who didmedian survival of patients after diagnosis was 242 days. The survival rate was also down by type of cancer, age, affecting medical history, and lifestyle. Through this research, patients with biphasic cell types had the shortest life expectancy. The chances of survival are dramatically increased if this cancer is treated at an early stage, because if it has evolved and spread, it is very difficult to heal.
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