Pleural mesothelioma is the most common form of mesothelioma by far and accounts for 75% of all cases mesothelioma. Pleural mesothelioma affects the respiratory areas of the body such as the lungs. More specifically, the cancer affects the lining of the lungs and ribs called the pleura hence the name pleural mesothelioma.
The main cause of mesothelioma is asbestos. Only a fewMonths after the dust exposed to the deadly asbestos fibers and may later without protection to pleural mesothelioma thirty to fifty years. Older men age sixty to seventy are those most at risk of asbestos, as this is the generation that worked with asbestos with little protection from the dust and fibers. Due to the long latency period of pleural mesothelioma (30-50 years), these men are just discovered they have the deadly cancer.Currently many of these men are lodging million dollar lawsuits against the company, which exposed them to asbestos. Asbestos fibers in the lining of the lungs by inhalation and get trapped in the lungs.
The symptoms that are associated with pleural mesothelioma include persistent cough, difficulty swallowing, swelling of face, weight loss, fever, rasping and coughing up blood. Patients may also experience shortness of breath, because as the tumoron the lining of the lungs expands, this leaves less room for the lungs to function properly. Some patients also begin feel great pain in the chest and this is due to the spread of cancer cells. Many of these symptoms are related to diseases and conditions which are far more common than mesothelioma which means that pleural mesothelioma is often very difficult to diagnose until it is too late.
The treatment of pleural mesothelioma islimited and so far there is no real cure. Research is conducted in laboratories throughout the United States and many pharmaceutical companies in testing new treatments. Treatments for pleural mesothelioma include chemotherapy, radiation therapy and surgery. A patient's age, medical history, weight and other factors taken into account before treatment. In general, the chance of survival much more likely if pleural mesothelioma treatedaggressive in the beginning, because if the cancer has developed and matured it is very difficult to heal.
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