Friday, March 26, 2010

Early detection of diseases Is The Key So what are the early symptoms of lung cancer?

Much research has been devoted to discover the first symptoms of lung cancer. Cancer is that painful disease that needs no introduction, and cancers of the lung is one of the most common forms. It is said that the early detection of cancer is the key to its prevention.

Extensive research on mesothelioma research clinics have uncovered some symptoms of lung cancer carried out closely associated with the disease.

Lung Cancer Symptoms

People addicted to tobacco andthose who are constantly exposed to the harmful effects of asbestos, more susceptible to lung cancer. Ignorance about the symptoms of lung cancer can become a full blown case.

Be on your guard if you are having cough most of the time. This is one of the first symptoms. A related symptom is a change in the nature of the cough. Other symptoms may be shortness of breath and coughing up welfare of bloody sputum. Mesothelioma Research has shown that pain when breathingLoss of appetite, fatigue and weight loss may also be the first symptoms of lung cancer.

These are considered the primary symptoms of lung cancer. There are also secondary symptoms.

Sudden development of a hoarse voice is one of the secondary lung cancer symptoms. Swallowing is considered as another symptom of lung cancer.

Swelling of the face because of the major blood vessels and can be blocked by swelling of the neck, enlarged lymph nodesother symptoms.

Treat pain in the right rib region and shortness of breath due to accumulation of fluid as warning signals of cancer of the lung. If you notice any of them you will find your physician for a complete check-up.

Let's combat the deadly lung cancer together.

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