A mesothelioma diagnosis is due to the fact that the symptoms of mesothelioma are similar to the symptoms of other diseases or conditions hard. A presumed diagnosis for a mesothelioma begins with the review of that person in history. If the patient has a history that were exposed to asbestos, the chances are high that the person has mesothelioma.
After reviewing the medical history of the person, a physical examination isexecuted. Patients must be on the lung function test and a chest x-ray. The chest x-ray is necessary because it is able to reveal if the patient experienced pleural thickening. Pleural thickening usually occurs when a person exposed to asbestos. Apart from the chest x-ray, the patient will also be subject to a computed tomography (CT or CAT scan).
The CAT scan and chest X-ray are just some of the ways to make the doctor will be able toone mesothelioma diagnosis. Apart from the results of these tests, the physician must also know whether there is a large amount of liquid. When this liquid is to be removed with the use of a syringe cytology only able to detect the presence of abnormal cells. If the result will show that it means the absence of malignant cells, this does not necessarily mean that the patient does not mesothelioma. If on the other hand, the cytology is positive and it is somethingsuspected, the diagnosis must be confirmed by a biopsy.
There are several ways that a biopsy can be performed, so that to have a diagnosis of mesothelioma can. The way will depend only on the field, which contains the abnormal cells. When the abnormal cells or tumor located in the chest can be a thoracoscopy are designed so that the doctor can remove tissue samples. If the area where the ventral cells can be found is in the abdomen, laparoscopy mayperformed by an instrument in the abdominal cavity. If the procedure thorascopy and laparoscopy would not yield the necessary amount of tissue, the doctor will have to carry more extensive diagnostic surgery for the patient.
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